8 Classy Things To Say When Someone Compliments You

Say 'Thank You'

Simply reply "Thank you" when receiving a compliment. It shows appreciation and humility without appearing vain or bashful.

Share the Compliment

If complimented on team efforts, acknowledge it and mention you ll pass it along. This boosts morale and spreads the positivity.

Receive a Toast Graciously

When toasted, nod and smile. Avoid drinking immediately to prevent self-congratulation. Join the toast after everyone else has sipped.

Mind Your Body Language

Accept compliments with open, positive body language. Lean slightly forward, make eye contact, and smile to show genuine gratitude.

Avoid Compliment Battles

Resist the urge to downplay or outdo compliments. Accept praise graciously without comparing or diminishing your efforts.

Don t Deny the Compliment

Rejecting or downplaying a compliment can hurt the giver s feelings. Accept praise with thanks instead of minimizing your achievements.

Don t Question the Giver

Avoid questioning or insulting the giver s judgment. Accept compliments with grace, acknowledging their sincerity without doubt.

Don t Milk the Compliment

Respond to compliments without fishing for more reassurance. Simply thank the person and accept the praise gracefully.